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Sev's answer (8)

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A classmate's car engine exploded in the parking lot. I was in one of the classrooms where we had an entire view of the parking lot, and for the rest of the period and we all watched it catch on fire. My high school was one of the only school's in the area that had an auto-mechanic class, and a classmate in my year was THAT car guy, he was always f......   reply
25 10,2020
It was a Death Note Matt x Mello doujinshi, i honestly think it was pink sniper. I was really young lol (13 probably) but after that I started looking into yaoi and BL mangas.   reply
18 11,2023
24 12,2023
My friend explained it to me many years ago LOOL. He was always a huge supernatural nerd and we were talking about fanfiction. He was complaining about omegaverse tropes and i was like "O_O" and he realized "oh shit now i have to explain what omegaverse is".   reply
24 12,2023
22 08,2023
Yikes, okay let me try to take your word salad on for a second here: Uh, hate to break it to you, but the women that dress ""modestly"" according to your standards are raped all the time, especially in countries where modest dress is the norm. Not to mention people in general are far more likely to be assualted by someone they know, ie aquaintence,......   reply
22 08,2023
11 09,2020
I drink in the night actually, in small quantities it can help me go to sleep lol. Beer tho...yeesh, not me. Im more of a wine or liquor person. Im picky with beers, and ill only be in the mood after some hard labor or its really hot. But i can see why you might like it in the morning, it can have that... refreshing taste...?? ANYWAY though; theres......   reply
11 09,2020
This is sexual harrasment. Your mother is molesting you, and i know how hard that might be to accept because after all she is your mother, but this happens more commonly to kids by their mothers than people realize. I think that you should have one final firm talk with her that you need you own privacy and her groping you is inappropriate, and norm......   reply
24 10,2020
about question
My periods are rarely painful. I may get slight moodswings before its time or feel very exhasted the week before. (The bleeding lasts maybe 8 days though, but lightens after 5.) Its terrible to hear how painful others periods are, and i wish doctors could actually find a solution or research why some peoples periods are very painful instead of lyi......   reply
24 12,2023
I also hate contacts. I'm in my mid 20s, but when I was around 17 my mom persuaded me to get a contact prescription and try monthly contacts out. I really tried to get used to them but got fed up really quickly. I'm also very particular about germs and debris, so in order to put them on it's a whole hassle because I don't want anything getting into......   reply
25 10,2020