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Soggy's answer page 4 (100)

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Soggy 14 09,2020
You trying to flirt?   reply
14 09,2020
is alright y'all she just drank to much coffee   reply
15 09,2020
Soggy 03 10,2020
They be tasting like a 5 star rating meal course tho   reply
03 10,2020
Soggy 20 09,2020
20 09,2020
my fat ass laying in bed eating a whole family bag of ruffle chips laughing at this knowing I don't have the energy to do this   reply
08 09,2020
Say no more would smack her for free even if you offered a cent   reply
15 09,2020
I am very uncomfortable with the atmosphere that we made   reply
23 08,2020
Soggy 08 09,2020
Suicide shouldn't be taken so lightly. People who failed miserably from trying to kill themselves probably suffer from big time trauma.   reply
08 09,2020
Soggy 13 09,2020
yikes I think I came on the wrong timing   reply
13 09,2020
Soggy 20 09,2020
Now the ultimate safety rule is "Move out as soon as you can"   reply
20 09,2020
I'm pretty sure you just shit yourself   reply
10 11,2020
My autistic disable ass is mentally retarded after comprehending this   reply
06 08,2020
Happy birthday hoe   2 reply
22 10,2020
If it did then I will never suffer again after forgetting a essay that was suppose to be done over the weekends and working on it at 2:47 am   reply
16 09,2020
Or maybe sometimes I don't sexualise straight men into being gay in my imaginary mindset   reply
02 09,2020
Was lesbian a couple of years ago but my interest died down after some played there sexuality and never had a thing for boys ever since. So I came out asexual   1 reply
23 09,2020
Soggy 07 09,2020
So where starting to support cannibalism?   1 reply
07 09,2020
Because I find men and women unattractive so I never had intentions to do those stuff   reply
04 08,2020
That one guy still won't stop farting near me istg one last blow and I'll end up in the hospital with my nostrils burning.   1 reply
21 09,2020
My man really sprayed y'all out like pesticides   reply
08 09,2020