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Nekolyn's answer (2)

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Hmmm..My first crush when I was a kid would be Seta Sojiro from Samurai X..then it was Kaito Kid (Detective Conan), Uchiha Itachi (Naruto), Aizen (Bleach) comic/cartoon world, LOKI and Batman is my favourite (dunno why I like dark characters) But my all time favourites are 1)Lelouch (Code Geass) 2)Raito (Death Note) 3)Asami Ryuichi (Viewfinde......   reply
01 07,2017
I always felt out of place all of the time since i was a kid. Somehow my interests in music,books,movies etc were very different from others, making it hard for me to make conversation with people. They would make 'boring faces' or ignore me if I started talk about the things I like and in the end I talk less.. It really hurts though. I tried to ig......   1 reply
10 08,2016