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Ahhhhhh's question page 3 (51)

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Picrew link:

Discord link if u wanna join mangagoers (its 17+)~
11 01,2024
I'm in a research class and I need to learn about people with ADHD and how it effects them academically.

So if you have ADHD lmk(for an interview)

Or please answer my questions below here:

-How does having ADHD effect your daily life?
-When we're you diagnoised? If at all? (Someone told me they never got diagnoised by a psychiatrist but a medical doctor; who was still able to prescribe them medication after they tested them? Didn't know this also happens)

-Does your school give u any accommodations? If so what kind?

-do you have any ideas on what institutes could do to better help you perform in classes?

-has your ADHD gotten worse/better over time? Do certain things help ? (Like coffee or something)

Thanks if you answer
( ̄∇ ̄")
03 03,2024
Don't trust a fart; I did that once and shat myself on mothers day and then instead of cleaning the sheets immediately. I had to continue liquid shitting on the toilet. Like right now, minus the shit bed. Now this shit was so soul crushing, damp, toe curling, spine breaking, green, foul fish smelling; that I had to puke right afterwards.

But yknow one place I'll never puke at?
The Mangagoers discord server!

We have movie nights monthly and share bl recommendations often. We mostly talk about BL plots and other random stuff; if u wanna make some friends; come join! (17+)

*the first half of this ad is not real but based loosely off reality and true experiences from other memebers in the server.
07 01,2024
about question
Ahhhhhh 31 03,2024
Once again warning underage ppl on this site to not talk to weird ass old ppl.

Please the amount of stories I have now are one too many

If someone makes u uncomfortable say it straight up and block them.

Anyways that was my short PSA
31 03,2024
Sorry guys I have to add to the picrew resurrection

Also here's an ad for my discord server:

Join the Mangago-ers discord server! We share BL recommendations a lot and talk about random stuff. So if u wanna make some friends; join!

Recently we added ABO roles so now ppl won't stop joking about breeding.. please join! We need more normies :') if your weird tho we'll still accept you <333

We are a very welcoming and chaotic community (17+)
12 01,2024
Do you hear that? *Nngh~* *mmmughh* it's the sound of you right after joining the mangagoers discord server.
Here we'll treat you well.

Nah but fr we're looking for more ppl to join and help us make a chaotic good environment.

We share BL reccs alot and kinda started roleplaying but in a funny way I swear.

We now have a divorce court and jokingly marry ppl off.

It's overall a cool place to make friends and hear eachother rant; we comfort one another or give advice.

Please join for a chaotic good time <3
15 01,2024

A lot of people missed Zoe and no I will not elaborate on why.

NEKYUM ITS TIMEEEEE come visit cuz Zoe wants to see you. I know u just left recently but come say hi~

Anyways this is about our 17+ bl server.
I meet a lot of cool ppl on it but not everyone can always stay cuz discord distracts them from studying which is why some ppl leave then come back after exams.

Nekyum come visit~~
24 02,2024
Ahhhhhh 12 02,2024
Make urself as a warrior cat, and say what clan ur in!

Calling for all the furries! My friend wants a furry boyfriend or just furry customers so he can sell his art. He's really talented I swear~

Please click on the mangagoers discord server link below if your a furry or just want to talk about BL~ must be 17+ tho!
12 02,2024
about question
I fear we are cooked.
14 04,2024
I was taking a shower and kept thinking about the day I did shrooms with my gf.

Is it normal for your ears to pop if your just that out of it???

My ears popped; i think, and like liquid started coming out like half way through my trip of seeing colors and shapes and I started to freak out and think I was dieing cuz i thought it was brain fluid leaking.

I didn't die tho its been a few months. The liquid still bothers me from time to time tho. Is it even normal for there to be liquid in your ears?? I tried googling this and i think it said ear infection. But I don't think I had one cuz my ears weren't hurting or nothing.

Oh also join the mangagoers discord server if you'd be down to hear more of my midnight rants and make new BL friends. 17+ tho
23 01,2024
Hello! My discord server got raided AGAIN, I should really learn to stop making randos mods.
If you were kicked out of the Mangago-ers discord server; it was an accident! A random new mod/troll kicked out literally EVERYONE for no reason.

Please join back!!

We already got a lot of ppl back and some new ppl (their all kinda rancid) but we're all friendly for the most part!!<3

Everyone 17+ welcomed!

U can join and stay for the drama or to share BL recommendations like the server was intended for lol

Also if u see that bitch Tawine, cuss her out for me~
05 01,2024