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Hottuedoggo's answer (8)

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Ah yes. Levi for the win   reply
02 12,2020
So attractiveeee ~~~ ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)   reply
27 12,2020
Aaaaaaack~ they look so expensive, can't afford TT_TT but still mine ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)   1 reply
27 12,2020
Not exactly my face but definitely my style   reply
22 07,2021
Say what? //○o○//   1 reply
05 02,2021
My child vibin to goggle translate remix of hottodoggo ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
22 07,2021
I don't know why this is the first pic but it's okay. LET'S GO CAPTAIN! sorry boa   reply
08 12,2020
19, Filipino.... and i am straight hnnnk   reply
19 07,2021