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Mareathyu's question (1)

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I'm currently 16 and a closet* homosexual. I sometimes felt isolated since I don't know anyone else who is LGBT+ so i'm curious about hearing your little stories

I found out that I was gay when I was about 12. At the time I watched a lot of pornography and I realised that I began to care less and less about the female in the video and focused on the males. A year or so later (when I started caring about this sort of stuff) I decided I was asexual, but really I was putting of believing I was gay so I decided I was definitively gay when I was 15. I say im a closet homosexual but 2 or 3 people know I'm gay, but this is from me dropping hints or making jokes that suggest i'm gay, I have never gone and said "Im Gay"

Please tell me your stories, i'm interested in how other people have done things!
29 01,2018