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Mareathyu's answer (4)

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Im in an all boys highschool, a closet gay and pretty antisocial so thats the reason I'm a virgin. To be honest I never felt any shame in being a virgin, in fact describing it as shame or embarrassment seems extreme to me, to be honest I don't care that Im probably going to be a virgin for the rest of my life :P   reply
05 02,2018
Mareathyu 05 02,2018
I decided I was a homosexual male simply because I found males far more attractive than females. The idea of being in a me relationship with a female or having sex with a female kind of grossed me out, probably the same way a homophobe straight might find the idea of gay sex gross. As for the manga, it is most likely nothing like it is in manga, ......   1 reply
05 02,2018
Well I guess I am the one loner in the class, I'm not scared of talking to anyone, in fact i was good friends with people but this year im trying to distance myself from my friends, as in I want to lose all my friends without going "I don't want to be friends with you anymore" Over the holidays i developed an appreciation for being alone (I didnt......   reply
05 02,2018
15, male, lives in Australia but was born in Asia, found out i was gay about 13 and surprisingly i found yaoi when i was around 12. I thought i was asexual for a while but then realised i was denying the fact that i was gay, not that i find anything wrong with it any more of course #Voteyes   1 reply
30 09,2017