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Juniper's answer page 1 (559)

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about question
Remember when we used to have proper English? Me neither   4 reply
02 11,2020
19 09,2020
They say age is just a number but forget that Jail is just a room   4 reply
19 09,2020
I'm surprised at how detailed these replies are   2 reply
04 11,2020
Yes, don't ask why   1 reply
19 08,2020
My tree senpai doesn't want to notice me, how do you think my sex life is going? :(((((   2 reply
26 10,2020
about lmao
omg, differentiation senpai   4 reply
09 11,2020
about question
03 11,2020
Coincidentally, the questions around yours like hoe wtf is that   2 reply
03 11,2020
Just send some nudes! It's not that hard. Look, here are some:   7 reply
15 11,2020
05 11,2020
i think you should stop thinking. There's a reason you're never in the planning process of our group projects, Becky.   reply
05 11,2020
Too many to count but the list includes this mothherfucker   2 reply
28 12,2020
i don't- i just-   reply
22 08,2020
Aha anyways, here's the less smartass version of this:- "It's upsetting that my unnecessary use of excess, extravagant-sounding words has upset you. Be aware that your annoyance is quite fortunate on my part; your claim of my vocabulary usage being humorous is insulting. Since I'm not uncooperative, undisciplined, nor single-minded, I'll be friend......   5 reply
15 10,2020
Study. Y'all are my escape from insanity   reply
06 11,2020
about lgbt
20 08,2020
Humanity was a mistake.   reply
20 08,2020
24 09,2020
This was written by someone called "Gay Chicken", how can you have the confidence to disagree? I'll watch the drama unfold ️   1 reply
24 09,2020
14 08,2020
Just have mexican and get diarrhea   1 reply
14 08,2020
16 10,2020
16 10,2020
Disappointed you didn't add "a-ah~" in that title   1 reply
30 09,2020
about lmao
Transfer   reply
02 11,2020