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Juniper's answer page 28 (559)

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20 09,2020
Smell ACs, don't ask.   3 reply
20 09,2020
23 01,2021
23 01,2021
Y'all lookin like a whole snacc, i'm just sayin   1 reply
03 02,2021
Fantasy   reply
03 02,2021
I like trees, I hope that helps   1 reply
11 10,2020
I had 2 bitches. I remember i was desperate for friends in middle school (someone made rumors about me and i wasn't able to make friends) So there's the first girl who used me for food. She'd lie to me, a LOT. She'd take my food in school and use excuses that "her sister got hit by a car" (and i'm not doubting it for no reason, she'd have an excus......   reply
05 02,2021
about question
You're a bit late, that trend died. Anyways i like Iced Choco, Tea and Iced Mocha   1 reply
06 11,2020
Right? This ain't twitter, y'all. I just wanna read manga (i can't count how many times i brought up twitter when looking at all this cancelling bs)   3 reply
24 09,2020
about question
18 07,2023
this was really fun   reply
18 07,2023
You're the reason i'm embarrassed to be a straight fujoshi   reply
03 11,2020
13 03,2021
3:52 PM I have a project and a shit ton of homework but no fucking time   reply
13 03,2021
Ok ig   reply
04 11,2020
My current schedule is nonexistent, but 2-5 hours usually, 6h when i'm lucky   reply
21 01,2021
Is it that fucking hard to keep shit to yourself? I feel bad for whoever shared a secret with y'all, you can't keep your mouth shut for fuck's sake.   reply
23 01,2021
19 09,2020
I couldn't help but laugh when i saw this   reply
19 09,2020
22 08,2020
i mean.. anything to get a good reaction meme. Trolls are the saviors of this site, some of y'all hate em too much   reply
22 08,2020
Ah, the weird trolls. I missed you   reply
03 02,2021
I'm lame asf but go ahead :)   1 reply
03 02,2021
about drawing
yes but i'm currently offline, @_.eternal_serendipity._   reply
18 11,2020