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leviathan's answer (9)

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tbh 3 years is not really that bad of a gap as long as they don't do something sexual and ofcourse if he doesn't lead her to do something sexual to him. We don't really know the guy she's dating and the type of relationship they're having or for how long they've been into each other but if she doesn't want to break up with him just tell her to be a......   reply
22 07,2021
It's really fine for me coz majority of those ppl ship themselves to their anime crushes generally as a form of a joke, what icks me is when they get all possessive towards the character and do absolutely disgusting shits relating to them no matter what kind or how old the character is. It reminds me of those obsessed kpop koreaboos that goes berse......   1 reply
20 07,2021
about question
No one really likes hisoka for being hisoka tho. Hisoka is a pretty stan worthy character; design and powers combined but him being a big creep and pedo really ruins it all. It goes the same for mineta too, he's canon-wise intelligent and his design can be cute but he's also a big creep at it ruins it for him. The thing is it really just plays int......   reply
10 07,2021
Mythology. No I'm not being "quirky" I just really like myths coz they introduce you to a whole new (maybe old) concept of world and the stories are just exceptionally wonderful specially when history gets mixed up with it.   reply
17 07,2021
Last year, the guy that I became close with confessed via letter that he liked me and would have courted me but his crush towards another guy friend of ours won his bisexual heart HAHAHAHHAHA. Then a little later after that a really close friend of mine confessed that he liked me ever since 7th grade (i don't really know if he's bluffing because he......   reply
18 05,2021
It's wonderful, specially if you found those who can resonate well with you. To me they became the people who actually made me wanna do better coz I want to impress them, not in the typa way that I want to be above them but like I want them to see that I can be very reliable and they can rely on me the way I rely on them too. It's really fun!!   reply
17 07,2021
when my dog first made her successful give paw trick. We practiced her tricks for weeks but she never really gave me her paw, she just hold it high. I put up a mini recital for her to show everyone her tricks and that specific thing being the last and Y'ALL SHE MADE IT!!! When I said paw she put her paw on my hand with the thump like saying "here y......   reply
17 07,2021
about question
"being scared does not equate to being a coward, those who take one step further no matter how scared they might be are braver than those who simply do not fear, so take a deep breath and move one foot at a time." I always remember this whenever I feel like I'm a failure for not doing something so flawlessly and for always hesitating to go outside......   1 reply
22 07,2021
Ghost. When my grandfather died when I was 11 my aunt who knows I'm afraid of ghosts jokingly told me that he might even visit me at my sleep coz I'm his favorite grandchild. I laughed it off and said I don't like ghost even if its him but there were some nights where I would actually try to wait for him at the dark to just appear infront of me. No......   reply
17 07,2021