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orangevoldemort's answer page 1 (26)

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Whenever one of parents walk into my room, and Im reading yaoi, I open up a new tab quickly 'ctrl + t' Mom; whatcha doin' hun? ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Me: *stares at google homepage intensely* just browsing the web, mom. (⊙…⊙ )   10 reply
11 08,2016
Two genders. if you dont identify with your biological sex, I respect your decision to transition to the opposite sex.   reply
01 05,2020
My homophobic sister, who screams whenever I mention yaoi, ahaha. My friends who are slightly awk about it, my ex-BFF who loved it, LMAO.   3 reply
11 08,2016
BDSM! Bondage, collars, ball gags, etc. Ugh, but Its hard to find some like these, any recs are highly appreciated omg (▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
11 08,2016
minimalist.   reply
25 12,2016
Funnily, I share my laptop with my sister and she sometimes uses my account, but i never delete my history because although she may be the most homophobic person in the world, i like to rub it in her face that I read yaoi, and i am PROUD.   reply
28 12,2016
I've always wanted a tattoo, but my parents are too religious, so maybe not now.. a daisy on the back of my neck would be cute.   reply
02 01,2017
Ohmydays, thats terrible! The internet was probably your mom's doing, ahaha. (un?)fortunately I have no anecdotes to share, no ones every caught me, im sly ;D (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   1 reply
11 08,2016
do u have insta? :P   1 reply
28 03,2020
I was very much like that when i was younger, but soon realised it was toxic behaviour and decided to change how i acted. It was more so because at them time everyone made fun of me for still holding hands w my friends, making them slow dance with me etc and i guess i thought it wasnt normal??   reply
14 10,2018
15, very straight female, Bengali, GB- Nottingham, a student with hopes to be a dentist, i've been into yaoi for 4 years, it helped me over come my dumb homophobia!   1 reply
05 11,2016
Procrastination, forever avoiding revision. anime and manga is my commonplace, the disappointment in my parents face isnt fun either.   reply
25 12,2016
31 12,2016
I urge you to write your story, nothing is stopping you! It should be a new years resolution of yours~! I myself have written a yaoi, I'll send it if you like!   1 reply
31 12,2016
@akiheartsyou would lov to b pen pals :)   reply
24 11,2019
about penpals
sign me up! will inbox you in a mo   reply
12 03,2019
about penpals
I love this idea ლ(´ڡ`ლ) and I would love to participate, if only you were offering french practice!   2 reply
29 09,2016
I have so many, but the ones i remember, kanami and zero from vampire knight, inuyasha, and zoro from one piece (like HOT DAMN)   reply
02 01,2017
I HAD one, when I was a dumb homophobic 11 year old, she was really homophillic and loved shipping guys (eren and armin - still against that ship omg) , just for her I tried to overcome it and I watched sekaiichi hatsukoi, AND I WAS HOOKED!!! now shes just grossed out by my fujoshi-ness, I dont see her as much now. . . (⊙…⊙ )   reply
18 08,2016
Life is boring, but constantly I'm building myself up to be an interesting person, in terms of music tastes, clothing choices, hobbies etc. One day we'll escape our imprisoners, in my case it would be my parents, I hate their strict ruling, I cant cut my hair above my chest, I cant have posters in my room because their faces will quote, 'haunt my d......   reply
28 12,2016