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Nia's answer page 1 (208)

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I HATE mineta from bhna for some reason....I just hate perverts like him, ya know???   6 reply
12 01,2021
A celebrity and his best friend who knows his real personality live together, end up downloading a strange app that tells them to do weird kinky shit and if they do it, then good things happen, if they don't they get a punishment.   5 reply
28 01,2021
It tasted like fish???and you liked it? you might need some therapy or sumn-   1 reply
21 04,2021
I might not survive... but jokes on him, I'm actually into that- ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄   2 reply
19 04,2021
I ain't putting my real face on a shady website, I'm already a bit too insecure to do that... ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
05 07,2021
Nia 21 06,2021
Abandoned empress. It was somewhat interesting back in the beginning, but it just turned a bit boring and cliché after a while, same goes with Justice of the villainous woman, this one turned into one of the most boring things I've ever read, but it still has plenty of people reading it ig ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ also do ya'll remember "Sincerely: I B......   3 reply
21 06,2021
Nia 19 05,2021
sleep.   reply
19 05,2021
When we sleep are we in another dimension? Is my dream the actual reality and what I'm in now is a dream? Which one is the dream and which one is reality? am I real? Where do we go after we are dead, am I in eternal sleep after I'm dead? Does it feel like you are in a dream after you die?   2 reply
30 12,2020
about question
Nia 10 02,2021
sduidaddy?? lmao what has mangago brought me today....   reply
10 02,2021
Nia 13 04,2021
no it's creepy-   reply
13 04,2021
(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   3 reply
02 03,2021
about crying
I kept refreshing mangago, hoping it would come back... also I just caught up to some of my anime that I was behind on since I couldn't waste my time here...also I had presentation that was overdue so I worked on that...   reply
17 03,2021
about question
I also forgot to add that those yo mama jokes that I've heard 11 yr olds say shouldn't even have been considered jokes, their plain insulting-   reply
08 05,2021
about question
1. I ain't reading all that 2. Congratulations on the longest mangago question I've seen... 3. This ain't wattpad, you might have somewhat of a skill for writing(idk I didn't read it), Your time and effort will be more appreciated there- ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
01 05,2021
about question
I was dreaming a dream inside my dream. Then I woke up and after a while I realized it was still a dream so I tried to wake up again, this time it felt real but then I heard my mom asking me to get ready for school and remembered that it was supposed to be a 3 day weekend. That's when I actually woke up and it was 2am. The funny thing was I went to......   1 reply
14 05,2021
welp- that's why you should always clean your search history and lock your albums with a password...   reply
09 02,2021
about lmao
Tanaka- also Chuuya- This man can murder me and I'd still be thankful ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄   reply
01 02,2021
about question
Find a way to blackmail her as well or should I help hide the body-   reply
27 04,2021
was I that unpleasant to be with? ╥﹏╥   reply
07 05,2021
about question
definitely!, a lot of the chapters are quite short and you can probably binge it in like an hour or so, they're mostly short comics about their everyday life so it doesn't take that long to read ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   1 reply
20 04,2021