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plagueee7's answer (16)

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what exactly does this mean   3 reply
03 12,2020
about nosebleed
Yeah my hidden photo album is a great example of what the 2nd circle of hell looks like   25 reply
25 04,2021
about have sex
nope. if it’s you it’s you lmao. the fact yer a girl doesn’t matter. there’re dudes that jack it to yuri too. if it helps, as a mlm whatever myself, yer not weird for finding sexual content,,,,,,sexual. and reacting to it. finding something hot doesn’t mean yer fetishizing it. that’s a different plane. for the record, most of the time ......   reply
02 12,2020
about nosebleed
Lmao nothing she’s like 4’10 and 80lbs and I fight for sport, I don’t see why she would ever gang up on me. Plus the kids at our school are all white lil beta fags. Plus I love her to death so I wouldn’t hurt her even if she tried lmao   reply
25 04,2021
about lmao
Like someone else said, not rare, just usually avoid any labels like fudanshi and just say I read BL from time to time, which is true It does kinda suck tho. My friends give off “guys hugging is lowkey gay lmao no homo” vibes when I recommend them anything with two dudes in it. I rec yuri and straight and just normal stuff, no one gives it any......   3 reply
21 04,2021
plagueee7 03 11,2020
im allergic to grass, technically. it's a skin allergy that mainly affects my feet and legs. it also triggers eczema (contact dermatitis) on my hands. it's really not fun :')   1 reply
03 11,2020
about question
plagueee7 25 04,2021
Actually quite like this picrew   reply
25 04,2021
about question
The only step I need to take is to get a boyfriend … _| ̄|○   reply
13 05,2021
id big bang fist that ass if i had the chance ong   1 reply
24 01,2021
my best friend is the only person who knows (besides another online friend of mine). she's the one who got me started on it. after we got closer it wasn't hard to figure out she was really into bl, but the only similar thing i had read at the time was killing stalking, so i didnt have a good impression at first. i used to tease her abt it. i read i......   reply
31 08,2020
definitely. i always turn off my phone when my ma comes in lmao. i got caught watching a lotta porn when i was younger so she probably assumes thats what im doing...which is (most of the time) true uh oh lucky for me she's too prude to pry :P   reply
31 08,2020
about question
i remember telling my friend my kins and he told me showering is not optional. it hurt. my comfort characters are probably mumen rider (opm), jonathan joestar (jjba), and hachikuji mayoi (monogatari)   reply
12 11,2020
he’d bite my dick off   3 reply
02 12,2020