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Woop Woop's answer page 3 (65)

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I'll list mine: Dungeon Meshi The Witch and The Beast Mononoke Sengoku Youko Dandadan Dead Dead Demons Dedede Destruction Black Butler   2 reply
01 01,2024
Yep. It's really warm where I live most of the time so on good rainy days the weather is so pleasant. Even when it's a humid rainy day I still love going outside though. I just find rainy days to be really beautiful.   reply
07 10,2023
about question   1 reply
16 01,2024
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I stopped reading Kaiju No. 8 halfway through since I got too disappointed.   reply
15 12,2023
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Shine on You:   2 reply
21 11,2023
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Back in elementary there was this one substitute teacher that no one liked because of how strict she was. She slapped one of my friends because they couldn't spell relationship or something, and her cheek was red for the entire day. I remember I would go insane trying to make my writing perfect so she wouldn't hit me, and she ended up hitting me an......   reply
16 11,2023
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Here's one of my favs Probably makes 0 sense without context   1 reply
25 08,2023
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I'd say the Touhou fandom because of that weird subculture of torturing cutesy food versions of the characters.   reply
20 08,2023
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I mean, yeah if you don't enjoy reading comics anymore, then you should feel free to stop reading them.   reply
07 09,2023
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This is pretty weird but I like black and white more than colour so I usually read manga more. In terms of plot though, they're both pretty much on the same level.   reply
30 07,2023
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09 09,2023
about question Probably   reply
05 12,2023
Low chance but maybe this?   1 reply
3 days
Nue's Exorcist and Handsome must Die are a few shounen that haven't been uploaded yet. There's also a new jump+ manga called Mikane and the Sea Woman thats supposed to be a mystery/horror. The relationship is pretty sus but the art is beautiful Also Morris ~Tsuno ga Haeta Neko no Bouken~ was uploaded on other sites a few months ago and hasnt been ......   1 reply
11 08,2023
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It's superpower. No idea what that means though   1 reply
08 10,2023
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I don't really mind either way, but on the second point, yeah some manga just seem worse when there's no waiting gap between chapters. Probably because cliffhangers don't hit as hard when the next chapter is an immediate retraction.   reply
18 09,2023
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It's a bit of a shallow comic, but I'd recommend Yumeotica to anyone looking for aesthetic eye candy that requires zero thought process to understand. It's beautiful and each chapter has a different setting and theme. There's only 11 chapters and they're like 4 pages long so it's great for having something pretty to look at.   reply
38 minutes
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I use the bookmark function to highlight cool scenes or nice covers. Technically those should be reserved for albums but the bookmark function is easier   1 reply
23 08,2023 maybe idk   1 reply
26 08,2023