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Woop Woop's answer page 4 (65)

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Favourite oneshot name is A Pastime in Imaginary Time. I think its both cute and gives a decent summary as to what the oneshot is about. For serialized works, Dunegon Meshi is a really cute name for me. Its english name, Delicious in Dungeon is probably a gigantic error in translation, but still I like it.   reply
14 08,2023
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Yeah I haven't read any of the newer releases because they're just not as enjoyable as they used to be. It seems like the magazine is really relying on the old manga in their lineup for new sales rather than improving the newer manga that come out. They just end up axing every new manga they release.   reply
09 03,2024
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Wait bookmarks are gone too? Theyre still there for me.   1 reply
14 08,2023
I would do anything to rewatch Kaiba for the first time. In terms of manga though, probably Takemitsu Zamurai: Either that or I'd just wipe it from my memory so I wouldn't have to wait for any other manga of the authors to be translated.   reply
05 02,2024
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14 08,2023