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Fantasticles's answer page 2 (26)

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Nope. It's a personal choice. I don't have much faith in marriage and I don't think a piece of paper is needed to prove how much we love one another. I was raised in a broken home and the divorce caused a lot of heartbreak, hostility, and resentment. It does have its benefits but there are common laws out there. I think nowadays, depending where......   reply
31 12,2016
Shota/Loli, because in my opinion, it's wrong to sexualize children regardless of it being fiction... plus it's illegal in my country. I don't even read erotic manga or fiction featuring any underage characters because it's illegal and even if it wasn't it's still inappropriate for someone my age. I will usually avoid historical mangas too beca......   reply
25 04,2017
This is mostly in regards to explicit BL 1. When a seme is preparing the uke for anal sex and he comments about how wet their anuses are. It turns me off because for the most part, the anus is not self lubricating and when it does it's ass mucus and that's just nasty. You don't see it that often these days, now they've evolved to commenting on......   1 reply
24 07,2019
I've got anxiety disorders galore, so I'm pretty much scared of everything. My dumbest, most irrational fear is my fear of dolls. They fucking terrify me. I know they can't do anything to me but they just leave me feeling so unsettled. When I was like 4, my babysitters forced me to watch Child's Play. Scarred me for life, man. One time, my gra......   3 reply
02 06,2017
Good humour and lots of fluff. I'm in it for the laughs and the feels.   reply
02 06,2017
You don't have to hide it just don't make it your identity, it's an interest not a lifestyle. You'll find as you get older that there a lot of people from different walks of life that actually like anime, they're just not weird about it.   1 reply
02 06,2020