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elise's answer page 4 (87)

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SIS WHAT!?   1 reply
20 07,2023
the sadness   3 reply
07 11,2023
about question
my online friend sent me it and now ive been using it till then.   reply
16 05,2024
i clicked it being half asleep and im... gonna go and kms!!   1 reply
10 03,2024
i just stopped reading it in general cause i hated him and well i hated every character ngl.. (i guess not dan tho idk) like im not sure how jinx gained popularity, though it could be because the character designs are good and maybe it's because of the author (they made BJ Alex) but im thinking its because most people probably like it. or maybe the......   1 reply
20 12,2023
i think i was 13?   reply
02 03,2024
about lmao
28 days
i understand what you mean. i personally have seen my fair share of bottoms and well some are extremely skinny, cant fend for themselves and are just stupid (for some reason lol or could be dense/oblivious) and well others are well build or at least have meat on their bones. but i definitely think its because of the female authors making them. th......   reply
28 days
about question
i mean this is the opposite but read Mothers Spirit! its so good..   reply
11 03,2024
I mean personally I'm not sure. i've been reading it for over 3 years and i never got bored. but sure i took long breaks from it but i dont think ill ever get bored of it, i think ill just spend less time reading it.   1 reply
26 11,2023
02 05,2024
OK im good with my answer!   reply
02 05,2024
radiant city -deftones   reply
01 10,2023
odd asf.   reply
25 07,2023
25 07,2023
well my most painful was my rook i thought my conch was bad LOL ( i still want more though )   reply
25 07,2023
12 03,2024
i read it and i swear i havent been the same since! i remember so much from it like honestly if you have a weak heart DONT read it. its so fucking messed up istg.   reply
12 03,2024
leathers by deftones   reply
30 08,2023
id watch shounen-ai anime and then a friend recommended me this site to me so i then started reading yaoi.   reply
8 days
Honestly i cant remember any of them   reply
16 03,2024
bottle of water...... i fucking hate when people say shit like that. LIKE DFGHJKLKJHGFDS   1 reply
06 05,2024
about question
27 07,2023
tbh i got a whole ass list about gross mangas sheeps mask, obey me, Doravmon, Classmate (ASADA) I CAN NOT REMEMBER THIS TBH and MEmergence (Metamorphosis)   reply
27 07,2023