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elise's answer page 5 (87)

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06 11,2023
Nah don't worry i get the feeling too. i get it from reading something sad, getting yelled out and just feeling depressed. just things like that really.   reply
06 11,2023
about question
sonic dash and another game but im not gonna say because its for kids and i enjoy it because i love the tv show of it   reply
06 05,2024
bro this is some bullshit right here.   reply
15 09,2023
about lgbt
nah cause kids would literally make me go insane, when i hear them cry it makes me wanna commit murder. Also kids nowadays are fucking annoying asf especially on the bus OMG. Nah cause this is also one of my reasons, 1. having kids can literally kill you, ruin your body like sorry i aint sacrificing my body for those things and 2. a kid destroyed......   1 reply
09 10,2023
about question
live it up   reply
12 01,2024
28 days
shogun himself.   reply
28 days