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mya's answer page 2 (91)

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peacock   reply
27 07,2023
@ Jiwon'sfountain , hope you’re taking notes   5 reply
25 08,2023
I got rejected from, canes, target, Marshall’s, krogers, HEB, some shoe store, Khols, petsmart, etc. I had 7 months worth of fast food experience 0 retail. I started applying outside my area and I’ve gotten interviews THE NEXT DAY. Lotssss of stores will reject you if your resume doesn’t look good. There’s people on Reddit who will che......   1 reply
20 03,2024
No because the amount of people who say, “it’s just fiction,” at the most extreme rape scenes needa.. be looked into.   reply
19 08,2023
I didn’t realize how normal it was for BL to contain SA in it and always thought the seme was doing something “ attractive “ because everyone else was fawning over it, so I did too.. Do I wish I could turn back time? Yes   1 reply
27 08,2023
my broke ass is going to AliExpress   reply
13 09,2023
about question
mya 30 12,2023
I can’t remember the last time I read a BL that actually had a plot. Really wish people would stop hyping up shitty BLs, I swear it’s the people with weird fkin kinks.   reply
30 12,2023
about question
This made me realize how lazy I am   3 reply
08 02,2024
mya 17 09,2023
Trash Belongs In the Trash Can! Looks like a good revenge story, but I’m starting to think she’s doing it for love so idk anymore.   reply
17 09,2023
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mya 10 02,2024
gotta kiss every night before bed my little pooks   1 reply
10 02,2024
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mya 05 02,2024
God I hate that bitch   2 reply
05 02,2024
Break this phone and start begging to use her phone until she gets annoyed   reply
23 09,2023
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Jinx my bbg   reply
14 01,2024
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I only attract angry people   2 reply
16 01,2024
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Not Giovanni *heart eyes*   reply
08 04,2024
Definitely because of the art + coloring. I think people don’t wanna go against her js cus of her last BL and because they like to fantasize with the “hot” characters.   reply
01 10,2023
about question
girl go to reddit   2 reply
15 10,2023
about lmao
Half of my brain was spilling out from my head, for some odd reason it was purple.. and I asked my friend to put my brain back inside. She did.   reply
28 days
Someone asked if the world was actually round how do we stay put and not fall off…   1 reply
31 07,2023