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Hello Bitche$'s answer (8)

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I never get caught. *Puts on sunglasses and drives into sunset in a Ferrari with Vladimir Putin as Explosions trails behind*   2 reply
03 07,2016
09 07,2016
I'd be a free spirited and cunning guy who is ambiguous in terms of the seme and uke relationship (wanna go both ways baby!) And I'd like to keep the power mutual between our relationship.   reply
14 11,2016
9. I'm 17 now and never got caught by anyone throughout these years.   reply
03 07,2016
Naruto and scrapped princess. My first manga was yaoi but I forgot already. Too many to count LAWL   reply
03 07,2016
Yaoi: JohnLock from BBC Sherlock Yuri: Korrasami from Legend of Korra Straight: OkiKagu from Gintama   2 reply
03 07,2016
After Morning Love (best manga that is sensitive to the LGBT community and also CUTE AWESOME storyline) Mauri to Ryuu, is there even a need to say why it's awesome? IT LIVES AND BREATHS AWESOMENESS I would say Silver Diamond but it's shonen Ai Finger Tip's love because of the unconventional older ukes. Hawt! But I dun like the artist's certain ......   reply
03 07,2016
In front of my project group and mentor in college. Just pretending to take down notes while I use the iPad to read viewfinder in the class. Had my straight face on full extra mega ultra mode   1 reply
03 07,2016