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kooktaes's answer page 4 (72)

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lol, i just did the guy im dating but you guys made the niced dilf guys ever and im up for it   reply
22 05,2021
Beautiful seggsy perfection aight, that dont make sense-   reply
09 05,2021
Under boss duhhhhhhhh   reply
12 05,2021
My friends titan (because im tall) or sometimes they call me pervy sage because i have the most dirtied mind in the friend group one of my friends call me daddy (for fun, yknow) and i call her zaddy i call my other friend water sprayer cuz she once sprayed juice on me when i said a joke so yeah   reply
10 05,2021
my flight to america was cancelled because of corona so i have to go to harvard next semester, im a international student and im quirky. I dont rlly have lots of hobbies other than some stuff and i live in for now in queensland, i like kfc and no, im not a terroist . And i play most of the time on my ps5 ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ Btw i did 3 of ......   1 reply
01 06,2021
ill probaly be a slytherin or a ravenclar and this would be my dress for the ball, i think i shouldve made it more cynical or darker but meh   reply
29 05,2021
Bad boy in work and daddy in bed, okay but in the second one wih the phone imagine him saying lemma take a pic of that million dollar wap SIJXJIDJIEJEIDJDJ - IM DED   reply
03 05,2021
about drawing
We can make a discord server, so lets all drop our discords!   reply
18 05,2021
Once my sister and my brother were having an argument about something and my sister had an ironning thingy majiggy in hand ( i guess you can say things got heated pretty quick lol) and i was behind her cause my family friend was in the room and she asked for water so i went to go give her water and i asked for my sister to MOVE OUT THE WAY and she ......   reply
18 05,2021
I have to take them in a few weeks online, not bcuz of corona but because the test ks online but we're doing it in school the teacher was nice enough to let us see a few questions and the criteria and it loookss so frigggggggging hardd ヽ(`Д´)ノ   reply
12 05,2021
about question
Theyd get me married?(╯°Д °)╯╧╧   reply
01 02,2021
Hot bath with a youkai demon lord mwahhh   reply
30 05,2021