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your mama's alt's question page 1 (25)

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male character: *commits mass genocide, is a r@pist, murderer, control freak, psychopath etc.*
y'all: omg look at the widdle babyyyyy awwww so cuteeeeee! uwu
female character: *exists*
y'all: GOD i HATE her so much! she's so goddamn ANNOYING! *cue every misogynistic slur on the planet*
27 days
Demon is slayer is mid and no one would care about it if it weren't for the animation. Nezuko is a whole plot device. What was the point of that dramatic ass scene where the demon slayer cuts himself to draw blood in front of her to see if she would go for it when she was put under a spell to see all humans as friends? That's a whole ass retcon.

Sasuke and Hinata would have been a more popular couple if they had more screen time and her obsession with naruto was toned down.

There needs to be a genre of animated hentai for the female gaze because I'm sick of these ugly bastard mofos.

Misaki from Maid sama is annoying and loud af usui is a creep.

Sasuke had every right to murk the leaf village. #fucktheleaf
13 08,2023
your lips are made from the same skin as your asshole so when you kiss someone on the lips you're kissing their asshole
06 05,2024
i have come to the conclusion that i am sexually attracted to hot monsters and supernatural beings (vampires, tentacles monsters, demons, elves, shapeshifters, aliens etc) but since they don't exist, i will never fufill my sexuality press like if you cried
05 05,2024
my pet chicken is cold and idk how to warm her up w/o her turning into fried chicken :(
20 04,2024
mangago user: i like vanilla ice cream
the replies:
1. this is OFFENSIVE to people who are lactose intolerant!!!
2. what about the other flavors tho wtf *writes an entire essay that makes you wonder if they put as much effort in their english assignments*
3. This is why I only read BL!!!
09 04,2024
i'm picking bear bc i'd rather be killed than risk w/e a man would do and there's a better chance of outsmarting a bear than a man
15 04,2024
also drop where u watch anime
23 04,2024
what characters comes to mind?
18 days
about question
The r@pe of nanking
Unit 731
Comfort women
Allied themselves with Germany during WW2
Colonised other east asian countries
(if you're going to google the first 3, major trigger warnings)

I love anime, manga and jrpg's but seeing weebs woobify Japan when japan has done some heinous shit (that they refuse to apologize for mind you) is weird. I know it's because Japan has successfully rebranded itself and is now known for anime, manga and cutesy shit like Pokémon and hello kitty but we can acknowledge what they did whilst simultaneously enjoying these things but that would mean weebs using their critical thinking skills.
07 04,2024
Pepsi and coca cola taste the same. Same with Sprite and 7up. also with Tango and Fanta.
10 08,2023
which fictional character has the most tragic backstory?
19 days
no "don't like don't read" or "let people enjoy things" allowed! this is a safe space for haters to talk shit about tropes they hate! nothing generic about hating noncon or incest either
2 days
tldr solo leveling is good if you're looking for a brainless power fantasy w/ action-packed fights w/ an op gary stu but fails in every other area.
The first few chapters with the statues were good. It showed how smart and quick-witted the mc is despite being a coward and the stakes were high but all that went of the window.

First of all, why tf did sung jin woo need a damn near-death experience for him to start working out LMAO. I thought it would be common sense for a hunter to work out. The story goes on about him being the worst but he doesn't try to improve himself by keeping fit.

Second, the system is literal plot armor. I get that every mc needs plot armor bc there would be no story w/o it but the system makes it way too obvious. Sung Jin Woo gets hyped up by the fandom and characters and thinks he's hot shit but he wouldn't have never gotten far w/o the system. It would have been more interesting to have him achieve higher ranks w/o it.

Third, Sung Jin woo goes from cowardly straight to edgy gary stu. His character arc/development is very flat. Ironically, he was more interesting when he was a coward.

Fourth, the side characters get shafted for Sung jin woo. They're nothing more than props to make him look so ~cool~ and ~strong~.

The plot itself is decent. It's not terrible but there are better written stories out there.

It's not a masterpiece by any means and I wish people would stop using that word so easily. SL is a 6.5/10 a 7 if we're being generous.
08 09,2023
started off good then became boring or badly written
16 days
ml this, bl that... yawn.... y'all worship male characters too much POST HOT WOMEN AND HOT WOMEN ONLY!! POST SOME BADDIES!!! cute, shy, dominant, crazy POST EM ALL!!!!
20 days
1. Who's stronger
2. Who's the more interesting character
3. If you had to save one or the other who u choosin
3. Which one you smashin
12 08,2023