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your mama's alt's answer (12)

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they hated op because they told them the truth   1 reply
25 09,2020
it's because people get turned on by different things. who woulda thought   reply
14 11,2020
your only personality trait is reading yaoi we get it   1 reply
20 11,2020
lmao who tf is "we"? i ain't their parents. it's not my job to supervise children on the internet.   1 reply
12 12,2020
about question
only men could oppress women for thousands of years put a dress and make up and claim they're more oppressed   5 reply
28 04,2024
woman = adult human female, man = adult human male Non binary doesn't exist, you are either one of the two. Cis doesn't exist as men and women are not subsets of their own sex. That's like saying white/black/asian people need to start calling themselves cis-raced. See how goofy that shit sounds? Straight women who date men but say they hate them......   6 reply
25 09,2023
homosexuality is EXCLUSIVE same sex orientation, not a PrEfeReNcE like you people like to call it. homosexuality is EXCLUSIVE on principle. trans people are not entitled to a relationship just because they're trans.   3 reply
18 03,2021
i hate lgbt+ people and straight people equally   1 reply
17 10,2020
DR EGGMAN   1 reply
20 12,2023