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LordChickenTheSixth's answer page 6 (115)

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about question
AND, Ban, I like his character, but the whole loli thing was definitely a choice... also, can someone explain to me why todoroki is apparently more liked than deku?   reply
07 06,2021
Pretty art is almost never paired with good story tbh.   1 reply
18 07,2023
about question
NoHo Hank is quite literally me and the love of my life   1 reply
24 07,2023
i hate that i thought it was gonna become vore   reply
19 02,2021   reply
14 10,2020
Ngl, I’m still waiting for the next chapter of ‘Sock Puppets During Sex?‘ To this day I wonder if Jeff finally understands pronouns.   1 reply
23 01,2021
I’m not saying I don’t trust you, but I’ve learnt to not press random links on the internet.   1 reply
04 10,2020
I think you really want to see my bank account? Mangago is bad, but so is every other pirating site, they make money. Why are you angry at only this site? You want pirating to end, get angry at all pirating sites. This one isn’t special, if Mangago gets taken down, another will take its place, or one of the other 1000 manga sites. Yes. Pirati......   1 reply
09 10,2020
about question
Pfft, yeah, I enjoy any and all stories that include romance.   2 reply
26 02,2021
What tf did you eat?   reply
22 10,2020