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LEAVE ME ALONE's answer (8)

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So long story short, my mom thinks that my dad has an affair with some other lady and wants to divorce him. Her evidence is games. My dad never plays games and my mom found games in his history so that to my m is suspicious and now she wants a divorce. Yes, it was a game that will break up our family.   1 reply
28 09,2020
So I was in like 2nd grade and it was recess, and this group of boys that were playing kickball and we sat next to the field in these chairs. And then a boy walks up to us and yanks my friends skirt up and looks at her underwear: after that he screamed what she was wearing to everyone he saw....two weeks later there was a rumor that the boy liked m......   reply
08 10,2020
about crying
16 03,2021
How much you wanna bet that this dude here is from tiktok   reply
16 03,2021
Sooooo...WHO HAS THE KEY...? (Spoken in a. Very. Calm. Tone)   3 reply
12 10,2020
Idk really. I think I did last year bc I thought my family was ignoring me. I felt so sad and lonely, it felt as if I was in a puddle of darkness and it kept on pulling me down. I cried every night silently. And then in the morning I would wake up as my normal self: happy and loud to my family, even though they thought I was happy, I was breaking i......   reply
13 10,2020
Join~ It cool   reply
24 10,2020
"Look around and see how hard your parents are working to provide for you, stop being a spoiled brat. Also, try to get your parents to love and trust each other more, they might leave soon."   reply
29 09,2020