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ᨐ ∫'s answer (10)

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about question
I used to chew pieces of line paper.   1 reply
29 04,2021
about question
I like all the updated features. I hope we can like follow the author/mangaka, so it easier to know their new series/onshots.   2 reply
28 04,2021
about question
I try to make it as close looking to my real self. Here it is. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Edit: The more I look at my male self; the more I want to steal him- ahem I mean my male self.   reply
27 04,2021
about question
a starfish.   reply
29 04,2021
about question
Dinner time!!!   reply
12 06,2021
The Seer and The Sword by Victoria Hanley ^ My childhood favorite.   reply
10 10,2020
goblin slut elitist   reply
21 04,2021
Burgandy Sweet Tea ( ̄へ ̄)   reply
28 04,2021