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yuki.'s answer page 2 (180)

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07 04,2021
I honestly don't agree with the hashtag since the claims are just dumb. but if its about a 2fa system not being added to the game I will fight Mihoyo   1 reply
07 04,2021
tartar sauce and schlongli   reply
21 06,2021
My mom was dumb and married my dad on the spot when her friend introduced her to him. She didn’t even like him at the time.   reply
30 06,2021
01 12,2020
bruh i have really bad art block right now can someone help me ;-; (these pics were like from a month ago lol)   2 reply
01 12,2020
about question
Eat my nonexistent dick   1 reply
03 07,2021
bestie again with this bullshit?????????   reply
28 04,2021
how does one respond to such a statement   1 reply
11 05,2021
about drawing
01 07,2021
Why’s her hand lookin like that   1 reply
01 07,2021
about question
hoping y’all don’t get freaky again   1 reply
22 07,2023
about question
My friend was asking to see my wips   4 reply
24 07,2023
It has to be either mapo tofu or hot pot. My dad makes the best mapo tofu like nothing I’ve found compares to it, and hot pot cause that’s what me and my mom would eat when my dad wasn’t around.   reply
25 10,2023
guess i'm 25 now   reply
26 01,2021
about question
25 06,2021
there’s quite a bit huh   reply
25 06,2021
Sticky rice is sum good shit   1 reply
05 07,2021
about question
My sister used all my 21,000 PRIMOGEMS ON FUCKING STANDARD TO GET A FUCKING QIQI   1 reply
02 07,2021
1) White haired girl: Yuki(22), Blue haired girl: Seiyaa(22) 2) healthy; Yuki sees Seiyaa as her angel, someone who has saved her from her tragedy 3) During elementary, Yuki was ostracized for her strange hair and yellow eyes, children made fun of her saying she was cursed, adults had a laugh too wondering why she looked like that. Despite her lo......   reply
21 07,2023
Holy shit why are both so young   1 reply
21 04,2021
23 07,2021
Ngl kinda wanna be kanae’s sister   1 reply
23 07,2021