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elysian's answer (6)

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about question
25 01,2021
as a lesbian i would like to adopt   1 reply
25 01,2021
about question
18 04,2024
protein and cardio, and remember everything is fine in moderation, limiting yourself from every thing you like wont help you in the long run, a couple “cheat days” here and there are good for you ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   1 reply
18 04,2024
ya multiple times, i either wake up or the dream restarts   1 reply
12 12,2023
my mom lowkey didnt believe me at first. it took her a while to grow on the idea, but i think shes alr with it now. my dad is skeptical but he’s accepting, just of me though.. hes still mildly homophobic to other people   reply
25 10,2023
about question
24 07,2023
u should   reply
24 07,2023