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Yan-chan's answer page 2 (86)

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Someone threw an eraser at our Dutch teacher, and it smacked him on the head. He started screaming and locked us in the classroom before leaving us there because no one would admit who threw the eraser. It took twenty minutes for other people to realize something was wrong (it was our last class) and free us. He was fired right after that.   1 reply
27 days
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I was always pouting and loved being annoying to others (mostly my sis)   reply
29 04,2021
1. Ueda Tomoharu (Hontou Yajuu)   1 reply
14 02,2017
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This is actually pretty accurate   1 reply
12 06,2021
I feel like there wasn't that much choice, but I did my best lmao   1 reply
13 12,2023
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When I first started middle school, I wasn't sure how to make friends. My dumb ass thought that girls in middle school were like the ones we see in movies so I went to a group of girls in my class and told them in a really haughty way : "Look, I have a pimple. My day is ruined". They all burst out laughing. Even now, I cringe thinking about it   1 reply
16 02,2024
23 06,2021
Definitely a baddie   reply
23 06,2021
My name would be Zwei !   reply
03 03,2021
19 07,2023
Shikamaru from Naruto, of course. He's lazy as hell, and thinks that everything is annoying. He's obviously my soulmate.   reply
19 07,2023
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01 05,2021
Belgium ~   reply
20 05,2021
A few months ago, I was trying to cook (it was a big deal for me since I absolutely SUCK at it) and I managed to drop everything that had taken me hours to do on the floor. So it was already too late, I had no food and I had to clean the kitchen. Not my brightest moment.   reply
07 05,2021
I used to play everyday back in 2012, brings back good memories. I kinda forgot my username, though   reply
29 10,2020
If you love make me bark and not equal then I like you (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ But seriously I don't know, there're too many yaoi I love xD I'm fond of SM and twisted yaoi but I like the fluffy ones too. For instance : -Koimonogatari -Warehouse -In these words (my fucking gawd) -Ameiro Paradox   2 reply
10 02,2018
So cute !   reply
20 05,2021
I'm not into that but I'll try to answer seriously. Pros: I guess it gives people a safe place, a way to express themselves and relax. Cons: the costume seems too warm, many furries are embarrassing on social media, people (myself included) don't get it so we find it weird   reply
07 10,2023
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When my friends suck up to other people. They're always trying to be so exaggeratedly nice even when they don't mean it. I know I'm the sarcastic one of the group but really ?   1 reply
07 03,2021
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I used to burn my arms with candle wax because I thought it was funny how the wax immediately solidified on my skin. That was weird as hell now that I think about it   1 reply
03 02,2024