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Creaming my jeans's question page 8 (153)

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So basically I came out as non-binary. No one knows but my cousin and two friends and I'm quite sick of my name. It's boring and I hate it. So my two friends decided I should be called Sock/Socks(don't ask). And so i go up to my mom and say i want a new nickname. I tell her that since socks are always mismatched and that my clothes barely ever match, I should be called Sock. And she told me fine, as long as i make sure to do my insulin. I'm so fucking happy. I basically came out to her without actually coming out and she doesn't suspect a thing. Its amazing. Anyways, how was your day so far?
10 06,2021
about question
I can't draw hands for shit and I'm sick of drawing just the face and shoulders of characters so I said fuck it and I drew an oc basically waving and it looks so bad. Someone who is good at drawing hands please give me tips or something
27 04,2021
I'm going to a Ghost concert in September and my bf is trying to get their parents to let us go to another one the day after but I'm so excited
27 07,2023
I really want to see you're guys' talent. I'll also post mine in the comments
19 12,2020
So just last week my parents got into a huge argument, the cops got called twice that day and they "broke up". Well just yesterday my mom cleared everything up with my dad and everything was all good. I went to the store with my dad and we basically spent the entire day together while my mom and brother were at work and it was a really good day. Well today, said piece of shit dad wanted to go bring weed to my uncle's house and I wanted to go because I didn't want to stay home alone and the house gets really creepy. So he had me help him put a seat cover in the truck so they dogs could come and he kept yanking it away from me. So I was like 'yo could you let go of it?'. And i do admit I raised my voice a little which I shouldn't have. So he starts screaming at me, like screaming at the top of his lungs about how I will now disrespect him, how me and my mom could find a new place and move out. So I tell him that he needs to calm down because I don't want the neighbors to call the cops like they have in the past and he's still yelling at me saying that he doesn't need to calm down and that I'm the one that needs to calm down even though I'm not yelling. And so he tells me I can stay home with the dogs, which after the way he was acting i didn't want to go anyways because I was scared he would hit me. So I'm like ok, I have the keys and I'm going to go unlock the door and let the dogs in and he starts screaming at me again to get his wheelchair which I was going to get after I let the dogs in. And as I'm bringing the chair up the ramp to get it inside he wants to say that now that I have food I'm gonna go treat everyone like crap. I'm sorry but the entire week that my parents were arguing I didn't eat at all because we didn't have a lot of food and so now that we went to the store I finally ate something and he wants to throw it in my face and make me feel bad. And then he leaves and I call my mom and I'm bawling my eyes out because as a 14 year old I'm sick of my dad treating me like this and she had the nerve to tell me to apologize to him. Like what the actual fuck. He just treated me like crap, saying I can get out and then throws the fact that I ate for the first time in a week in my face. I have told my mom repeatedly that I don't want to live with him anymore because he's abusive. He has hit me before, thrown things at me and even called me names. And I feel that as a 14 year old I should not have to grow up like this. But we have to stay because he'll get better. I'm sorry but he's been verbally, physically, and mentally abusive for over 7 years now, there is no getting better. So now I'm home alone, crying and creeped out because I keep hearing things outside and in thw house even though there is no one here but me and my dogs. So yeah, nothing like having two mental breakdowns soon to be three in a time span of an hour and a half
10 02,2021
I just want to see what y'all are working on. I'll post mine in the comments
17 01,2021
about question
Me and my cousin are yet again making a zoom and we are asking the amazing people of mangago to join it.

ID - 657 879 9531

Password - depression

Please join. We beg of you
25 01,2021
about crying
I managed to finish an Eren drawing that I started months ago lol
16 03,2021
In my opinion it's Haikyuu!!
05 11,2020
about drawing
So after making a new pinterest account to find shit to draw, I have developed art block unfortunately. So here's the link the my account, . I know I could just choose something from my saved pins to draw but I like it more when other people choose lmao
04 05,2021
I fucking hate gender disphoria. Fuck genders, I'm becoming a rock. I simple lonely rock with no gender. I will now be going to cry myself asleep again so goodnight all you amazing people. Stay safe and hydrated or else I'm coming for your ass
21 04,2021
Creaming my jeans
04 01,2021
I decided to start Devilman Crybaby today and my mom walked in and watched for it a bit. It was on the first episode and it got to that one scene in the club and I almost got my fucking ass beat. Why did nobody tell me it was gonna be like that?
04 01,2021