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Well i fantasize a lot (Seriously i'm a huge monster of creativity xD), usually i imagine myself in a lot of situations, so many times in stories from mangas yaoi (But being a girl xD) and i'm being forced and raped in almost all of them. You can thing that's not so twisted at all, but you know what? i was really raped 2 times, at 13 and at 15, and......   1 reply
02 02,2017
Sure! but not by presure, only because that's something I always wanted >///////< You know xD A day like a princess with my white dress~   reply
17 03,2017
I guess all of Harada-sensei and almost all of the omegaverses XD out of that, Caste heaven: so original and wild, Ten count: the story go so natural and is so original too. And for some reason Neon sign amber: that manga touched me so hard, is so realistic and human. There are a lot more, like Hang out crisis (The seme is sexy and cool like h......   3 reply
02 02,2017
Well i saw the 3 of them so much years ago and here you have the plot of them, for whom not want to watch them (SPOILER ALERT XD): Boku no Pico: is abouth a young man perverting a child and abusing him in a soft way (Not forcefully, is consensual) Pico to Chico: is after the first ova, when Pico meets Chiko, another little boy with same age, but h......   1 reply
02 02,2017
An absolute and complete M with male and female and all, so meek and shy. I like to be controled and maybe toyed too? I'm not at all in pain but love the bites xD Sorry but that's all I can tell, I can't speak of this without blushing xD ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄   1 reply
02 05,2017
Because is like in the real life, some men would like to see their girlfriend with another girl, but not with another man. Some times that is reflexed in yaois too, the uke take the rol of the girl, because that, is ok if they are making sex with another uke. Something like this I guess xD   reply
09 02,2017
Gosh, so many of them, but only semes xD I'm so meek. I like the silent tipe, a little sadistic, and the sly tipe too. And a little beasty too xDDD. Someone like Yata-chan(Yatamomo), or Jyousei(Hang Out Crisis), or Cain(Starfighter), or Kurose Riku(Ten Count), Sangwoo(Killing, Stalking).... Yeah, all of them are so dominant xD   1 reply
09 02,2017
Absolutely the uke, a sweet and meek one xD I really love the dominant semes   reply
09 02,2017
He bullies me :/ My bestfriend is from far away in my country, and we have been friends for 11 or 12 years now. But he usually make fun of me, make fun of everything I do wrong, abusing that I am meek for insulting me, and mimics me in front of internet mutual friends for laugh... It's very demotivating... He really help me in the past, and made go......   1 reply
04 03,2017
1-OMEGAVERSE: I'm crazy in love with omegaverse XD 2-Obsesion/stalking/Psycho: I like the twisted ones 3-Blackmailing And well, incest, noncon, slavery, SM, gangs or Yakuza's storys are great too ^^... m... I think I like almost all xD   1 reply
26 02,2017
I don't, ¿Why I need to do that when my computer is only mine and no one use it besides me? XD And well, if the computer wi'll be shared, I don't mind at all... I can see what I want ¿Catch it? xD ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   reply
24 03,2017
24 03,2017
1.The Kidnap of the naive and shy magical creature of the forest. xDDDDDDD That's just to funny xD 2.Abel from Starfighter or Shirotani from Ten count maybe? 3.Sorry, I can't be objective with that cuestion, i'm just in love with so many of them xD 4.M.... Usually my partner run away screaming wildly and covering his eyes roughly xDDDD and my o......   2 reply
24 03,2017
I just don't like porn :/... for me it's soo disgusting and not sexy at all... I think that no need to be so explicit for be sexy or erotic, I like 2D, manga yaoi, anime yaoi (Hiperventilation is really great and made with so good taste and not Vulgar neither), and some hentai like Netorare (Yeah i'm in a twisted ones xD) or great plot ones, i'm ju......   reply
28 04,2017
Well I think you don't like at all the smut scenes xD But look Ten count has very few smut scenes for the amount of chapters. It's normal for a manga not to like everyone, depend of the type of characters you like and same with the relation between them. I just think that Ten Count is realistic, and the relation between Kurose and Shirotani feels n......   reply
19 03,2017
Demipansexual here, and I like yaoi for the emotions (And on top of that if it's a great manga with a great plot, that's just the best), but not just love, ok? I love to see the desire in characters, they reactions and likes/dislikes, just like in shojo/josei, but I think the stories and emotions in yaoi are much more genuine, original and develope......   reply
11 07,2017
I'm just not hidding it O_o I don't really know how many people knows about it, well, who cares... xD ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
19 03,2017
Go to the tree and pick up the fruit xD And the japanesse deserts of course (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ   reply
05 02,2017
INFP, I'm a meek and sweet woman, and maybe too much naive too...   reply
24 01,2017
I'm a 34 spanish demisexual woman, writer, and reading yaoi seriously since last summer (before, only ocasionally) when I saw the mangas of Harada-sensei, Ten count, and Caste heaven too. Since then. I can't stop!! xDDD joke (...or maybe not? xDD) xP   3 reply
24 01,2017
"Killing, stalking" but, only one is unfair XD you should question at least for three of them xD Hey, and what abouth an Omegaverse series, ah??? that would be sublime~   1 reply
06 02,2017