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anteiku's answer page 2 (420)

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if u think bare minimum hygiene is unnecessary, i dont think u deserve a single spot on society   5 reply
21 10,2023
30 05,2021
idk bout y'all but i've seen shit "look at me, its not u alright, c'mon stop, do it for me" like that irl so many times, it do really happen   reply
30 05,2021
about dating
wtf   1 reply
11 07,2021
about question
sorry i just lost it at "emotiobal"   1 reply
07 06,2021
ur horny   1 reply
31 05,2021
"its ok, we wear socks"   reply
14 06,2021
28 05,2021
here comes lil candy ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   2 reply
28 05,2021
pretty much seeing others, if i see ppl, im terrified   reply
21 05,2021
about question
"no thanks, i choose life"   reply
29 05,2021
08 07,2021
i hope u stab ur feet so hard i hope ur headset broke i hope both sides of ur pillow r sizzling hot i hope u fall off the street i hope u choke on ur lunch i hope ur phone fall off to ur face i hope ur toothbrush fall to the toilet i hope u drink expired milk i hope ur charger only work on a certain angle   3 reply
08 07,2021
ouch, anw mine left me in a museum in a city i know no shit about n then pick me up about 2 days later, i wonder why no one kidnapped me   1 reply
13 06,2021
i used to think that "meh i dont really need to take life seriously, all i need to do is behave well n thats it" until i heard "no matter how virtuous u r, u'll always be the bad guy on someone's live" reality slaps so hard after, i overthink every decisions i've made in my entire life ever since   2 reply
12 06,2021
about question
11 07,2021
the last time i have period cramp, i kicked someone's balls, its the mood swings   reply
11 07,2021
what did u expect even a friend of mine was really fed up w Japan, he said "bruh ppl outside really wants to be Japanese while here i am considering my life" lol, i even once talk to a Japanese person n suddenly they act like a fckn pervert, n they sometimes do be racist tho in the end of the day every country has their own strengths and weakness......   reply
16 05,2021
yall better apply for advertisement companies, cant believe i read all that   2 reply
03 02,2024
about question
never remember any of my dreams, im pretty sure i had dreams tho   reply
14 05,2021
gurl this aint twitter   reply
26 05,2021
my lecturer asked me "were you always to full of acne? its so red i cant bare looking at it" without blinking.. i was having a breakout bc im still figuring what brand to use on my skincare routine   1 reply
27 days
about question
wdym uninstall, they have an app??????   3 reply
28 12,2023
a kid was dog?? first grade??? what   reply
10 05,2021