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[DELETED]'s experience (3)

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about crying
i kept on refreshing mangago every day because mangago is literally the only thing that doesn’t remind me that im lonely...sometimes, but anyways im so glad it’s back thank you to the mangago staff for working so hard :)   2 reply
16 03,2021
10 01,2021
no one wished me a happy birthday on my birthday even though most of the people ik know my birthday ;v; damn lmaooooo   3 reply
10 01,2021
18 03,2021
tried once in third grade by trying to drown underwater, which my parents thought i was just being a kid then in fourth grade started to harm myself then in seventh grade, tried to overdose on sleeping pills but that didn’t work then twice in junior year, by overdosing on sleeping pills then one more time in senior year before i started going to ......   reply
18 03,2021