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Mei's answer (3)

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Mei 06 02,2024
I dont think its about the age gap but more about your current age, like 40/60yo is noway to be compared to 17-37. These kinda usually fail to make it work with people surrounding them because everybody knows who they are, so they think its more convenient to con younger people as its set by default that the older in the most mature and respected. ......   reply
06 02,2024
Lucky paradise aaaaaaghhhh His only quality was that he has a hole and it was supposed to justify his lack of character and gave him an asshole pass, he literally allowed himself to be the worst person just because he knew the other partner will accept him, i hate plots where there is nothing interesting about the bottom / or the girl but they are ......   reply
01 03,2024
Mei 04 10,2023
When i was young i refused to cover myself so dad told me that children who are not covered get caught and die first, here i am, 23 yo still believing that covering myself head to toe grants me the power of invisibility   reply
04 10,2023