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HeartHunter's answer (4)

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about nicknames
My friends and family constantly give me new nicknames so I actually go by a handful of names that don't even make sense to the people who happen to be around when they call my "name" unless they personally know me. From the top of my head, my nicknames are: Dot, Kitty, Kimchi, K, Arctic 1, Homogenised Milk, Pencil, Sheep, SheepSheep (because one ......   reply
24 03,2017
The first anime I ever watched was Hamtaro. I still remember the theme song to this day! My first manga was either death note, naruto, or a shoujo manga called Me & My Brothers. I bought these mangas at the same time but I don't really remember what I read first (I didn't know we could read manga online at that time so I saved up my lunch money t......   reply
17 02,2017
There was one time where a guy invited me to his house on the first date and made it clear that NOBODY would be home for the night. I have commitment issues though so I turned him down and didn't go out on another date with him lol   2 reply
30 12,2018
I have little interest in having child for 4 reasons: 1. I don't know if I can financially handle a child 2. I have an overwhelming fear of becoming a bad parent 3. The birthing process looks terrifying and we had some close calls in my family 4. My pets are basically my children If my partner wants to have kids, I might consider caring for one if......   1 reply
15 09,2017