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Why didn't I lock the Door?'s question page 6 (120)

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Let's say that this woman walks into your house. You have no clue who she is... But she seem's familiar. Then she say's you name and you [insert what you would do]
20 10,2020
So does anyone ever just proofread and spell check their messages/post's before posting/ sending them? Or just me?...
29 10,2020
about question
There's a movie called I am legend and the events of the movie and 2020-2021 are a little to sus.

Dieses, failed vaccine, zombie out break ( but their not really zombies , imma just call them that)
We already have pretty much two of those things, I mean that vaccine came out a little to soon.

This is a joke, (I hope) I'm not being all that serious.
17 04,2021
Let's debate about weather apartments or houses are better in the comments
18 04,2021
The amount of stuff that I've seen in my life honestly I don't think I can get traumatized any further. I mean, this website - and I truly mean this, this website was what really did it so thank you, thank you.
21 04,2021
No, really.... I want a friend. My bestfriend found someone better and I don't care... So um... Who wanna be friends? Like... If you say yes, I WILL send you a message... Like.... I don't cap about this stuff...
28 10,2020
I really didn't want to do this, so I'm sorry for the title but it was the only way. I am sorry for the weird title, I just didn't know how else... Also, I can make such... Such explicit titles, you know the ones with the moaning, this was the best I could do... So how do you change your art style and ow to you draw boys? I've looked at tutorials but none of them help me... So, um any better alternatives. Also if you actually want the boku no pico alternatives I would recommend this
24 10,2020
Okay so... I just need to know what kinda drug's ya'll on, what ya'll have to type into google to find shit like this(don
t go to this link), this, and you know... that one mickey mouse dj (I didn't want to go through my search history to find that). Like are ya'll good at home? Ya'll need someone to talk to? I don't judge, I didn't really care much for those doujinshis, they really just made me worry about ya'll cuz what kinda deep web type shit is that? And remember that mickey x deku fan fiction? Yeah what was up with that? I mean are you okay? Also I see that ya'll are licking the new weird fonts, cuz I seen someone using them, yay I think I started a trend~. Also imma probably ask ya'll how you are, are ya'll good stuff like that. I mean ya'll need a psychiatrist on this website. And no, I am not a trained psychiatrist but the most experience that I have is listening to my friends vent which I am fine with, I care about ya'll.
15 10,2020
about question
Okay so I'm restricted and I've realize that everytime I use a different wi-fi or turn my wi-fi off and use data Im able to do this things I'm not able to do when I'm restricted

This probably won't work for everyone but I still thought I should say it because it works for me
17 04,2021
I'm unrestricted but still attention deprived. Dude
21 04,2021
I'd like some recommendations that aren't Banana fish, hana no miako de or anything on this list :
Or just some drama / action would be gucci. Or something unbelievably wholesome. Id' recommend this fluffy love if you want something wholesome. Have a nice day.
25 05,2021
19 10,2020
I'm bored, so Imma rate your username (and other people can if they want) and then if you have a back story behind that username, share it. So mu user name is ' Why didn't lock the door' and it can be interpreted in MANY way's.... But if I had locked the door I wouldn't be on this website right now ad tbh I love ya'll.... But ya'll sometimes scare me so um... Yeah! Share yours.
26 10,2020
Well, since the first one flopped.... Imma make another one! So don't be shy and make this comment section horrifying it can be anything except that ol' mrm shit. I want scary... Not traumatizing... Also it's Halloween so yeah.
18 10,2020
So, what was it like when you were first here? Was is similar to this? Also, if there are any OG mangago people, I would like to know what mangago was like in the near beginning.
28 10,2020
So what happened is creepshow art got exposed for stalking Emily, and all the other things that she's done. What do ya'll think?
16 06,2021
How are you today?
02 06,2021
It's 1:08 in the morning and I sense a Bi-sexual. Also she has a cat, like dude, I love cat's. We live in different houses, but it's so loud I can hear it and it sparked joy.
11 07,2021
You have the chance to do any ONE thing. What would you do?
06 11,2020
Ya'll even just see someone cute and then you realize they have no interest in you and it just ruins your entire day? Personally, no I haven't but I am curious.
11 07,2021