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Jen! ツ's question (1)

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Jen! ツ
05 12,2020
Just curious of what are you guys majoring in, are you regretting your decision or enjoying your classes?

Don't worry I don't mind if you majored in Gender Studies. :v
I'm about to go to college I don't know whether I should go in Business, Law or Nursing. (A huge dumbass when it comes to math, as expected it became a lot harder for me online.. I'm thinking about getting a tutor already. I also suck at presentations that my mind goes blank I keep forgetting what to say next;;)

I'm not really passionate about anything.. which concerns me. Maybe helping people? *facepalm* Sorry I don't know. Honestly I'm only considering business because its a flexible major.

I was interested in Psychology before but then heard a lot of bad things about it in my country. (I'm from PH btw)

Also taking a gap year is not an option for me.

Any tips, stories, or suggestions? ;-; I'd appreciate it. I'm feeling lost right now
05 12,2020