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MidnightWorld's answer page 2 (35)

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Wear them a lot. The real question is how you get used to contacts. It’s like day 5 and it’s still blurry and irritating   reply
27 05,2021
Ngl it’s very unlikely you can continue being their friend. They are the ones that have feelings for you and it gets messy when only one person has romantic feelings and the other has not. Unless he loves you so much that he’s willing to hold back his feelings for you in favor of still being in contact with you, it’s very unlikely. Realistica......   1 reply
19 05,2020
Here’s some of my thoughts of the reasons: 1) When you experience desensitizing and traumatic experiences you end up unable to feel more due to being exposed to the extreme conditions 2) depression (for me personally but any mental illness also fits) messes with your brain 3) age-I noticed how it’s easier for older people to say they love you/......   reply
10 07,2020
Hi y’all! OP is trying to say “when LGBT+ people are trying to call people out on toxic behavior, you should support and hear them out!” They’re not saying “anti-fujo” things. The same way the hentai industry has made things harder for women due to the sexualization of all types of women, there’s no doubt many westerners have ruined t......   reply
03 02,2021
Good thing I hate children   reply
25 02,2021
Muscles ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ Tehe   reply
05 03,2021
about question
First off, I am so sorry you had to deal with that. One thing I’ve learned is that certain men are entirely 1 dimensional and cannot fathom a different perspective/opinion. That being said my worst confession was from a guy who somehow both indirectly invalidated me and made me super uncomfortable. I’m aro ace and I’m never shy to talk abo......   reply
03 02,2021
I speak English lol. I’m korean and I can semi speak, understand and kind of read/write. But just enough to get me through life, read some insta caption and insult my siblings (key phrase in my life and all you really need to know if ya wanna learn korean 엄마 배고파). I know some conversational Japanese (from watching a f u c k ton of anime......   2 reply
04 01,2019
08 08,2019
This bitch (kinda niche here so iykyk) I will never forgive what she did to Slaine   reply
01 12,2020