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BigFatCoochie's question (15)

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about question
I need a new dad, who will love me and NOT FUCKING YELL AT ME, damn. I'll need you to love me, give me money, take care of me, buy me food, and yeah ;). dm me, or go on discord: No Name<3#1364
14 06,2021
about question
My sister is so fucking rude, and sometimes I think "who tf raised this little girl?". She called me ugly and said my hair is messy, when my mom heard, she told my sister not to say that but then my dad said "Shes says it to her" (referring to me) My dad is super rude to my mom and so is my sister too. I feel so bad for my mom. He acts so lovey-dovey when he wants something, but once he can't gets it, he's hulk- I've tried to talk my feelings out but everyone is like "just move, just call 911, blah blah blah" But they don't get how hard it is. I'm a minor and plus where would I go?? It hurts me to see perfect daughter-father relationship (cough cough my sister and him) bc i want that. but i cant have it. Then when i'm mad, the man has balls to say "Whats wrong, are you mad at me?" OFC I AM DUMBASS, IVE BEEN MAD AND DEPRESSED FOR 4 YEARS BC OF YOU. fuck.
Idk what to do
15 06,2021
about question
Also, want to see some confessions?, dm me on discord ?!#6660 ;)
02 07,2021
Alot of these made me laugh, so ty

12 06,2021
about lmao
Gimme cause girls are underrated asf
02 06,2021
its not fair, its not fair, its not fair. i- just like how?? there ugly, boring, yet get the hottest girls.
08 06,2021
about question
How tf can you make yourself like something you don't like?
29 05,2021
about lived
No like powers or anything, just normal fighting anime. I watched a lot like, baki, black lagoon, and more. So help a kid out :)
26 06,2021
I'm sexy, cool, awesome, funny, hot, cute, i have 2 cats ;)
my pronouns are sexy/hot
dm me or dm my discord
No Name<3#0005 ;) we can have some fun
04 06,2021
No anime ones, but tell me what is the best movie you ever watched
23 07,2021