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potatohoe's question (3)

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about question
like i am genuinly curious of how many ppl are on this wesite
15 06,2021
about question
Hey so two users from mangago (neptri and she-does-not-want-to-be-named) made a discord server for us so yh if you want to join then just follow the link. And no i am not one of the makers, i am just the messanger~ (=・ω・=)
04 07,2021
So umm alot of ppl around me believe that "forever" does not exist and when i asked why they would never give me a proper answer like i do respect opinions but i just want to know why like i believe that forever does exist. For example, take love. When someone tells u they will love u forever and its actually genuine then yh they will forever. lmao some of u must be so confused ok so i think that forever has a time limit which is the span of our life so take an old couple and their promise was i will love u forever blablabala and the old lady died and the old man was able to love her until his death then i guess forever is fullfilled but IF there is a afterlife then MAYbe that forever goes on but yh i belive that everything has a timelimit
23 05,2021