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Pasta's answer (16)

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05 11,2020
Way ahead of you chief! This stuff used to be filled to the brim!   16 reply
05 11,2020
08 11,2020
Wait give me a second it's hard to type with one hand   2 reply
08 11,2020
Yeah, back in kindergarten I did but then I stole her food and she broke up with me. Women, am I right?   2 reply
06 11,2020
By "pussy" I'm assuming you mean the female genitalia. In other words, a vagina. I don't have a vagina, but I'd advise you to go seek help from a medical professional if your vagina does speak. This is not to be taken lightly.   3 reply
03 11,2020
07 11,2020
Can't relate, I'm livin' lavish   reply
07 11,2020
You're suddenly a pervert if you go within 2 metres of a woman   reply
04 11,2020
The shit you hoes post on this site   1 reply
05 11,2020
about lived
I lived   reply
04 11,2020
Alright well don't blame us if your ankles get broken   reply
05 11,2020
I'd discover the cum planet and become rich   1 reply
06 11,2020
Lemontongue. I miss the dude   1 reply
11 11,2020
06 11,2020
Jokes on you, I read the whole You paragraph and predicted what kind of joke you were going to make. This is what years of being the quiet kid has taught me!   1 reply
06 11,2020
08 11,2020
This happened back in 10th grade, my friend fell on top of me during P.E. and said "Bro, you're actually kinda pretty" I was like "wtffff that's so gay" I laughed it off and smacked him off of me. It was a real doki doki moment for me even as a straight guy   reply
08 11,2020
08 11,2020
Wow, the Shakespeare of Mangago!!!   reply
08 11,2020
Are you guys kidding? There are so many important professions that use math and numbers nowadays that help us run the world. A quick google search wouldn't do you much harm.   reply
26 01,2021
Alright so I just found out that America celebrates Thanksgiving on the 26th. Thanks to those of you who answered.   reply
04 11,2020