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Ur local ✨yaoiaddict✨'s answer page 3 (710)

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meand my bestie as a bonus cuz she deserve the world   reply
01 03,2021
So I just started digital so just deal with it lol ( i draw on my phone ) Early 2020: At the end of 2020: 2021: And some shit i drew in 2020: And some recent doodles I made in class ( cuz I don't draw seriously any more ):   3 reply
12 01,2021
about question
it just happened at first I didn't even have an acc I used it without an acc for months thn I made one and yes im here   reply
26 days
about question
29 05,2021
so some of my friends always check on me each day asking " ur still alive hoe ? " " bsh commit suicide without meh " " did u eat ? " and stuff like this and i remenber not answering for 3 days and they spammed me with mssg and called my parents to check if im alive- and yh im the suicidal bish of the group   reply
06 04,2021
about question
people thought i was a guy when i was with my bf on a date so they started wishpering and called us gay and stuff like that pffff thats why i drew this   2 reply
16 02,2021
about crying
Actually theres so many lol but the one who i still remenber clearly is when my father was chocking me with a pillow after beating me to death i nearly gave up when my mom came in and made him stop lol i was 6 yrs old ig   3 reply
26 06,2021
bitches bros and nonbinary hoes him   1 reply
11 07,2021
" eugg u bitch I wish u were never born fuck u, u demon , u can just die I will cry for a whole month then live my life " lolol he's always saying it so funny   3 reply
23 11,2020
Y'all need to eat grass   reply
04 03,2021
after iftar i read like usual   2 reply
17 04,2021
wheres the fans now??   reply
25 05,2021
wtf did this site become??   reply
13 02,2021
erza and nana ( btw i just cutted my hair and i love it ! )   reply
20 06,2021
about question
Im currently taking a break so I only have old ones and doodles I make in class My most recent digital stuff : Some recent doodles haha ( I dont like this one )yall are so talented   reply
16 02,2021