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Sage's answer (15)

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They are having a party y'know   reply
17 02,2021
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11 02,2021
Thats all I got   1 reply
11 02,2021
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Being on my phone so much that I've been neglecting my studies and health and recently I've been talking back to my parents and their scoldings was hell   1 reply
18 06,2021
29 05,2021
29 05,2021
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they're siblings lol (≧∀≦)   reply
01 05,2021
28 08,2023
Sure, as long as they're two consenting adults and they leave their family and never comeback ever again(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) Fun fact: Did you know you can marry your 1ST COUSIN in Japan O⁠_⁠o   2 reply
28 08,2023   reply
03 02,2021
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Lesbians have better relationships than you   reply
07 06,2021
13 05,2021
I forgot that I'm making goddess/demon so I ended up making demon and angels in casual looks :)   reply
08 07,2021
٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   reply
01 05,2021
28 08,2023
Im willing to die by his paws really   reply
28 08,2023
about question
Me after seeing this:   reply
14 08,2023