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Forg's question page 3 (628)

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ive seen one for bl
so i wanted to see what people thought about sl
01 12,2020
when i was 3 i used to play with the dogs
i dunno why tho
30 11,2020
She suprisingly didnt make fun of me
What were you last-minute gifts
24 12,2020
I kinda do like the froppy thing
Where her hands just hang while she's standing
Also do yall think this edit is good

I love it

Yall make me like dg more and more each and every day

Also am i the only one who likes dg
27 11,2020
okay you 19th photo hates to be tickled
01 12,2020
Forg 18 11,2020
Im gonna go to pinterest and save fanart of my favorite ships whos coming
18 11,2020
and why are they your comfort characters
24 11,2020
23 12,2020
Wow such a nice way of saying "welcome back to the site guys"
Im gonna sneak out my room to get chicken nuggets
04 04,2021
about question
Forg 13 05,2021
I'd rather have a teacher that's is actually poc talk about racism than an old white man that wears a blue lives matter flag mask
13 05,2021
Forg 13 11,2020
Shokos mom
And shoyas mom
13 11,2020
Someone sAying
"why do people always want to make everything gay they're just friends they want to go hang out" when they see a cannon wlw or mlm relationship

Mostly with kill la kill just saw a post of that one scene Where mako asked RyUko on a date and like half the comments were men saying shit like " OH their still friends "
20 01,2021
about naive uke
also my sister ripped up the boxes to my tanjiro and Emma figures
(I likes the boxes so much)
21 01,2021
cause the op is always so happy or sad asf
then the actual content of the show is just intense and shit
then the ed would be happy/sad
01 12,2020
does you cat wear a shower cap in the bath
23 11,2020