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Chimu's question (6)

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Is anyone here smart enough to come up with a ship from different anime/manga/webtoon? I don't care if it's straight, bl, or gl, but plz someone reply
30 12,2020
Y'know those mainstream anime/manga/webtoons that people seem to love but you low-key hate?
30 12,2020
about question
I feel like 'Kyon' is used a lot in Japanese shonen ai, where the character is pretty childish and sweet, but has a pretty traumatic past.
27 06,2021
about question
I don't know what I should do today. Maybe you guys can recommend underrated manga or anime, or good foods from other cultures I could make at home and try? Or you can just submit something funny or random if you want, i'm just bored.
30 06,2021
You know those certain types of characters that are complete assholes? Leave some below! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
31 12,2020
I'll list a little bit of my opinions, and people are gonna get mad but
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Anyhow, here we go.
1. Most shonen anime are overrated
2. Romance anime sucks for the most part
3. Slice of life is mostly boring
4. As long as the plot makes sense, long anime isn't that bad
5. Ghibli is overrated
02 01,2021