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sosa's answer (6)

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about question
meet the grahams did it for me drake s too corny w his pedo white ahh   1 reply
15 days
tf u yapping ab modesty on a gay porn site go to church bitch   reply
7 days
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Why am I not seeing ngs hate on him?? I be seeing too many bitches defend this mf and his incest twin. they be crying ab gang rape but were fine when it happened to jooha.   3 reply
2 days
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we (woman) can be as touchy and intimate with our girl friends as we’d like and we would not get called lesbians but god forbid man hug each other then we must alert the church elders!!!   1 reply
11 days
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the umbrella thingy im sorry but I think its so cute especially when they’re enemies too, like why do u wanna share ur umbrella w ur enemy stawwwwp   1 reply
02 04,2024