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Maple Tree's question page 3 (62)

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Maple Tree 02 02,2021
why do i even try to be funny ;-;
im not. im just not. im a loser with the sense of humor of a 8 year old
02 02,2021
Maple Tree 04 03,2021
why cant i use lenny faces in mangago answers. lemme try it here:
( ° ʖ °)
04 03,2021
I'm sure most of you know who she is. if you don't, shes basically a really controversial but popular user here on mangago. she currently calls herself "Cremè Senpai". I'm going to post an ss of something that she said. the fruity loops we all know is a scam.
08 03,2021
Maple Tree 06 03,2021

06 03,2021
Maple Tree 30 01,2021
how many people here chose their country on mangago as netherlands cus of mc
30 01,2021
when we talk about fujoshis, we refer to what is indicated in these posts:

we have an issue with behavioural problems. people who obsess over bl or yaois to the point that it affects their perception of mlm couples in real life.

and when we argue against these problems using the term 'fujoshi', there are bitches who turn it into an argument that not all fujoshis are bad

we deviate from the main point and nothing gets across. i've noticed there are always those comments that are against generalising. in fact people go ahead and say 'im a proud fujoshi but dont do any of those things'

please no ;-; either be supportive of the core message or just shut up. saying that ur a 'nice fujoshi' doesnt fucking matter. if you are a 'nice fujoshi' then support whats worth being supported. nobody asked you. either deal with the hate that comes with calling urself a fujoshi or dont call urself that. its simple.

and why are yall clinging on to the word 'fujoshi' with your dear life? people keep saying that westerners have changed the meaning of it but why the hell are you so intent on reclaiming the term and changing its meaning? whats so amazing about calling yourself a fujoshi?

(yes this is a repost, my point wasnt clear earlier so yeah. soz)
17 01,2021
about question
whats such a turn on about being dissed? i simply dont get masochists. verbal abuse or humiliation in plays makes me cringe. infact i'd probably cry
28 01,2021
show me some memes that u think are overused
04 02,2021
itsa comprtitiun.
im high on sugrr rn, just anzwer me. how meny seconds long?
24 01,2021
Maple Tree 25 02,2021
lets be friends please
25 02,2021
Maple Tree 19 03,2021
Some people don't know what they're missing out on when they say yuri doesn't appeal to them as much as yaoi. /lh
So post stuff about lesbians/bi women or wlw ships. We're here to appreciate the majestic creatures known as women.

Your favorite moment in a GL, celebrity crushes, haikus, pictures, or just expressing how amazing women can be, GO!
19 03,2021
about lgbt
Maple Tree 17 06,2021
I thought the girl was talking about straight pride, not the military? Maybe im missing something here but seems this guy just wanted make it about himself.
17 06,2021
when someone posts a horny pov on here, most of the replies go like 'isn't somebody horny today' or 'touch some grass'
its so friggin generic

can yall just play along? the person obviously meant it in a joking manner.

like whatever, its none of my business if ur disgusted by horny people. the people on here arent fun at all. yall pretending to be so prude. try taking it lightly and kid around a little please. it can actually be funny, wouldn't you know

does anyone feel the same as me? or am i the only one owo

also- a recent achievement of mine that im very proud of- i'm at 69 topics rn
(im cranky and on my period so just lemme vent)
18 01,2021
yes, the kageyama x hinata yaois. and of other ships of underage characters. im hoping for people to agree with me in saying that they are VERY illegal. it cant even be compared to how illegal this website is.

i dunno, i was having arguments with some strangers who said it was okay if a minor was reading child pornos or that i was just being "annoying" and should let them read what they want to. i got six dislikes which is disturbing. those djs shouldnt exist in the first place. i dont even bother looking at those djs because im an adult and its a crime (:

i'm literally in shock that people try to find loopholes to read pornography depicting minors. please i beg of you, restore my faith in humanity. this is making me loose braincells

(watch this question get taken down for pointing out child porn on mangago)
22 02,2021
Maple Tree 16 01,2021
gimme yuri please (● ̄(エ) ̄●)
with good art
16 01,2021
Maple Tree 25 01,2021
how many people here are in a relationship irl?
i've been in one since i was 15 or 16 (not sure) and we're going steady (▰˘◡˘▰)
25 01,2021
Maple Tree 25 01,2021
Heterophobia is real. Its not extreme oppression but there's definitely passive aggressive heterophobia.

Heterophobia is by definition bias against heterosexuality. Bias doesn't equal oppression. Its plain as paper.

What do u think most fujoshis do? And the few people who think LGBT+ is better than being straight, that its 'cool'. (trust me, there are people like that)

I haven't denied that homophobia is worse. I know that people are killed for it. I know about the horrible oppressions they face, because I have too. But how does it affect our cause by saying 'heterophobia' isn't real.

This isn't anti LGBTQ+, its just what it is.
25 01,2021
gimme some straight romances. with smut.
something sensible please ;-;
i have barely seen any good het smut. either the plot is shit, or the girls have watermelon boobs, or both.
06 02,2021
about question
Maple Tree 27 06,2021
Haven't read the thing. I hope its not a pairing b/w the 10 year old and the 17 year old but I'd like to draw your attention to the second top comment.
27 06,2021
Maple Tree 09 04,2021
09 04,2021