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Pretty corpse's experience (6)

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about question
Pretty corpse 10 04,2021
I forgot how my profile picture looks like I can't see shit   reply
10 04,2021
My dream today was weird so imma tell yall about it So first I was a bug (idk why too) and I saw that Hatsune Miku was torturing some hot anime guy so I turned into a human and I ran away to school and I was thinking if I should call police.. (Girl, yes you should you dumbass) then Miku was sitting on the bench for no reason, and I decided to beat ......   3 reply
15 02,2021
Maybe I'm too sensitive, but strangers scare me a lot lmao So today I was at the mall with my friend and there was this man just weirdly looking at me.. I was already scared He was about 38-40 years old. And when I was standing there with my friend he just came to me and he told me that I'm very pretty and he asked me out for a date lmao- But..I'......   2 reply
03 03,2021
about question
So a while ago I was in the groupchat with some people and I was there for like month now but before nothing like this happened and all the conversations were pretty normal. Btw all members there are 12-16 y.o. dumbasses. I was there only because of memes but then one of those 15 y.o kids send link to Instagram account and was really proud because ......   2 reply
08 05,2021
about question
so once when I was just sitting and swinging on a swing while talking to my friend on da phone some 5-year old and 8-year old came and started just playing on the playground not bothering me but then this 5-year old told me I sound like a boy and I just laughed and continued talking to my friend but then he asked me who am I talking to so I said as......   reply
27 05,2021
about crying
So while mangago was unavailable I was reading mangas on mangaowl, and I came across some shitty yaoi with rape in it with stupid and annoying characters. Let me tell you what exactly it was about ..this manga made me wanna flush myself in the toilet..Ekhem nvm. Ekhem so,there was a boy who was abused by his father and one ''BaD bOy'' once saw his ......   3 reply
17 03,2021