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ari's answer (5)

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Children, baby human. They are not cute. Even when I was younger I didn't love my classmate being childish. I also hate my younger self being childish by thinking that i was more mature than the other kids. I hate kids, including myself. Also babies are effing ugly.   2 reply
05 09,2020
Having a tattoo is like being r@ped... The correlation please?!   1 reply
29 11,2020
Don't killll me i just can't stand jealous people... I know he's "cute" or whatever but he reminds me to much of an ex. Can't help.   1 reply
05 09,2020
First what? Second... Do you have that video link? With blurred faces oc... But still how? Im confused...   reply
11 06,2021
I was reading french scan but the translators were really slow. I tried to use lezhin and other legal site but 1-unavailable in my area 2-underage teen without money (not gonna use parents money)Then I research for the scan in an other language for free and tadah... Mangago. Im almost 18 and will move out so maybe i will afford to use legal stuff........   reply
29 11,2020