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kerosi's answer (6)

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gl fans are lacking in a diverse selection of gls. as a lesbian i can barely find ones that i find interesting because i'm mainly interested in psychological ones but majority of popular gls just aren't for me. i don't want a fluffy gl or a sex focused gl, i want an interesting one with a good plot and intriguing characters that'll make me so sad i......   15 reply
25 days
about question
17 04,2024
I’m a lesbian and I had been in denial for YEARS. I said I liked men even though I wasn’t attracted to them because I wanted to feel “normal” due to the fact I had been liking girls since I was young and it was less accepted back then until I came to accept it by thinking about what I would want if I didn’t have to live by society’s sta......   1 reply
17 04,2024
jjus cme ou ofkf the woonb   reply
15 12,2020
when they flirt with their friends or act a little too close with them. I might just be insecure but I don't like it it's so uncomfortable cus for me it's like wdym i'm not the only person that you act like that with ??   1 reply
10 days
DULCE DE LECHE. it's so underrated I love it SO MUCH. if u wanna try it get it from talenti either sea salt caramel flavor or salted caramel truffle. trust me its so good   reply
10 days
about question
wish this had more options   reply
8 hours